Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Seeing is believing

🌟 "Seeing is Believing!" 🌟
Thrilled to share that the Three-Day Workshop on Scanning Confocal Microscope with Live Cell Imaging (NSCM 2K24) has successfully begun at the Central Laboratory for Instrumentation and Facilitation (CLIF), University of Kerala.

The inaugural session this morning was graced by Dr. Santhosh Kumar T R, Scientist G, RGCB, Thiruvananthapuram, who officially inaugurated the workshop with inspiring words that set the tone for an exciting journey of learning and discovery. We also had the privilege of hearing from Dr. Subodh G, Hon. Director of CLIF, who welcomed the participants and shared the vision of CLIF, and Dr. P. Sreejith, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, who offered his felicitations.

Confocal microscopy is a emerging technology that brings science to life by providing 3D imaging with high precision. From live cell imaging to fluorescence studies, this tool is transforming research across diverse fields, including biology, medicine, and material sciences.

As the Instrumentation Engineer at CLIF, I am proud to be part of this initiative and also appreciate efforts of Soumya and Jibinraj who are equally excited to showcase the capabilities of this state-of-the-art confocal microscope facility, now available to researchers at the University of Kerala.

This workshop, featuring experts like Dr. Sandhya Ganesan (IISER TVM) and Dr. J. Sebastian Raja (Leica Microsystems), promises to be an enriching experience for all participants, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to push the boundaries of science.

Today’s event was just the beginning of an inspiring journey. Let’s explore the wonders of science, because as the saying goes: "Seeing is Believing”

#ConfocalMicroscopy #LiveCellImaging #SeeingIsBelieving #NSCM2K24 #CuttingEdgeResearch #UniversityOfKerala #CLIF
(By Dr K S Sibi )

Sunday, October 06, 2024

ആലോà´šà´¨ -à´µാർഡ് à´µിഭജനം 6-10- 2024

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à´Žà´¸് എൽ à´ªുà´°ം  6-10--2024

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Renaming in Kerala to Keralam

#Renaming Kerala to Keralam
The recent resolution passed by the Kerala Assembly, urging the Centre to rename the state as "Keralam" in all official records, raises pertinent questions about identity and cultural representation. While the move may seem symbolic to some, it holds deeper significance for the people of Kerala. 

The proposal, put forward by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and supported unanimously across party lines, underscores a desire to reclaim and reaffirm the state's historical and cultural roots. However, the practical implications of such a change, especially in constitutional records, remain uncertain and may face bureaucratic challenges. It's crucial for stakeholders to discuss not only the symbolic value but also the logistical feasibility of implementing such a change at  national level and world over

In essence, while the renaming initiative carries cultural weight, its implementation and reception at the federal level remain to be seen. The debate should pivot towards understanding the tangible benefits and challenges associated with this proposal, ensuring that any decision made reflects the collective will and best interests of the people of Kerala.

- K A Solaman

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Father & Son

#Antony and Son
AK Antony's statement calling for the defeat of his son, Anil Antony, the BJP candidate in Pathanamthitta, is indeed bold but unexpected. While on the surface, Antony's stance may seem admirable it raises questions about the underlying dynamics within his own party and family. This public disapproval could indicate internal strife  within his family.

 Antony's statement challenges traditional notions of familial loyalty and dynastic politics prevalent in Indian politics. In a society where family connections often play a crucial role in political advancement, Antony's stance could be seen as a departure from the norm.. It highlights the complexities of familial relationships in the political arena.

Seemingly, the "Krupasanam Amma" rejected the request of Elizabeth, Antony's wife, who pleaded good prospects for her son. Antony and his son are not a role model for all fathers and sons in Kerala.
-K A Salaman

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Upholding Mohiniyattom

#Upholding #Mohiniyattom.
Kalamandalam Sathyabhama's courageous stance on the essential elements of Mohiniyattom dance competitions should be commended, She emphasizes the significance of talent and skill over superficial attributes created by make-up. Her dedication to upholding the integrity of the art form deserves respect, as she fearlessly speaks out against the prevalent biases that prioritize appearance over talent. 

It's imperative to recognize and support artists like Sathyabhama who advocate for the true essence of their craft, rather than succumbing to societal pressures that undermine its authenticity. The backlash and insults directed at Sathyabhama on social media are not only unjust but also indicative of a broader issue within the artistic community. 

Rather than engaging in constructive dialogue  resorting to threats and humiliation only serves to stifle creativity. It discourages artists from speaking  truth. The notion that a male artist is inherently unfit to perform the role of Mohini in Mohiniyattom is not a regressive belief. Though Art transcends gender boundaries, and talent knows no gender a man dancing as Mohini would not get that much appeal

.Sathyabhama's advocacy for merit-based evaluation  should be celebrated as a step towards creating a more equitable artistic community. Her question, whether the authorities can delete the mark column for artist's beauty for Mohiniyattam in art fairs, is relevant..
-K A Solaman