Friday, January 30, 2009

The shuttling decisions

The Sonia Gandhi headed AICC decided that Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee would decide the choice of its candidate to Rajya Sabha seat from Kerala and proposed two names-one is K Karaunakaran and other is Remesh Chennithala. What the octogenarian Karaunakaran is going to do other than to sleep all the time on the cushion seats in the house, is yet another question, the Kerala unit of the Congress, unable to take decision returned to the choice to Sonia herself. They authorised madam Sonia to nominate a candidate for the lone seat that the UDF can hope to win on the basis of its combined strength in the Assembly.

The KPCC is nowadays seen a little bigheaded as they have already confirmed that they would be the rulers of the State next time. The present ruling front headed by CPM has done enough harm to the state and they are in a desperate attempt to escape from the present muddle created by its leaders. The Marxist cadres are busy with smearing the posters of top leaders of the party with cow dung paints and almost lost in darkness. The Left Front sees no safe escape in the next election
Seeing this KPCC president Ramesh Chennithala decided to opt out from the Rajya Sabha race.. Last time Oommen Chandy was the CM and now being the President of the KPCC Chennithala sees a better prospect here. It is not always easy to bring back a Rajya Sabha member and ask him to become the CM of the state.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gilani’s game of words.

Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani plays the game of words by saying that file received from India on the Mumbai attacks is only“information” and not“evidence”. Evidently Gilani tries to wrap Pakistani links of the attackers. The distinction between the words information and evidence is therefore became a matter of discussion. Such a callous attitude from neighboring country's head may often prompt Indian counter-part to think about the adverse. Gilani’s proposals for conducting a joint investigation with India are unwarranted. However, one strongly feels that India should never enter into a war with Pakistan. The Samajwadi leader Amar Singh is seen immature in tackling a crucial situation.

The involvement of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, an extremist outfit, rooted in Pakistan in the Mumbai attacks has been internationally proved and accepted. The US and Britain emphasize it and hence it is now Pakistan’s job to act judiciously to avert a conflict between two countries.

K A Solaman

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Flawed practice of Kerala University

Sir — The Union ministry of education has various schemes offering scholarships to needy students. But if they are not dispensed on time, what is the use of these scholarships? The postgraduate scholarship for rank-holders of all Indian universities for the academic session 2007-08 has been sanctioned by the University Grants Commission. The fund has been issued to the universities, and the awardees have been asked to contact the registrars of their respective institutions. However, the registrar of the University of Kerala seems reluctant to confirm when and how the students will receive the funds. As a guardian of one of the awardees, I got in touch with the registrar over this several times, but to no avail. I even submitted an RTI application enquiring about the process. In his reply to the RTI query, the registrar admitted that he has received the funds from the UGC but not the list of awardees. This is difficult to believe because the UGC is unlikely to send the funds without the list of the names of awardees. Moreover, the registrar has admitted that he knew that eight students would receive the scholarship for the given year from his university.

In fact, the registrar can easily find out who the awardees are by looking up the results of the concerned departments for the particular academic session. It is unfortunate that the toppers of a university recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council are being mistreated by the institution that should have been proud of them.

K.A. Solaman