Monday, October 25, 2010

‘Poet from the gutters’ does not need ceremonial firing.

The ‘poet of the orphans’ has to wait one more day in cold storage for his last rites. Election to local bodies and the inconvenience of the cultural minister, are the reasons for the delay! Undoubtedly it is an insult to a dead man’s corpus. It is quite distressing to see that poet Ayyappan has to tranquilly wait to get opened his way to ‘ Santhikavadam’ and there from to eternal joy.

Hereinafter, celebrities who wish to die, die only after consultation with the cultural stalwarts of Kerala. Who said the ‘poet from the gutters’ need ceremonial firing from shot less guns?

K A Solaman

Monday, October 18, 2010

Will these children ever get through?

Thousands of tiny tots on Vidyarambham day were taken to the world of letters on all parts of Kerala by gurus extending from literary luminaries, cultural leaders and eminent teachers. Interestingly some of the gurus were hard core politicians with wicked Saraswathi on their tongue (name one?). Will these children ever get through in life?

K A Solaman

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chile mine rescue is unprecedented in the history of the world

The last of the 33 trapped Chilean miners was also rescued on Wednesday and that too after having stayed 700 metre underground for more than two months. All of them were elevated one-by-one in a capsule through a narrowly bored hole.
All world were watching the Chilean effort of rescuing their fellow men and everybody prayed from their heart for the success.

K A Solaman