Monday, April 27, 2009

Parent-teacher counseling could avoid the worst.

Teachers are human, and sometimes will not be in the vein of certain students without a valid reason. This is same as love at first sight. Some teachers see the face of their students as their own children’s and some others see faces of their enemies in students. There may be psychological enlightenment in this phenomenon and in most cases students are the worst losers. However, occasionally the loss of the teacher is also heavy as that is what happened in the Delhi school where not only the teacher but the Headmaster also was suspended. The mental agony brought to them if they are true teachers who always delight in the progress of their student, is beyond any reckon. But ironically all are seen happy in criticizing the teacher. The sad demise of the student would have been averted if the teacher was given sufficient prior information about the health condition of the student. And in that case the responsibility of the parents cannot be ruled out.

Here in Kerala too punishment such as standing on sunlight or continuous running a kilometer was imposed, of course, not for class room lessons but for NCC. While I was a student in Pre-degree classes I noticed that if cadet did not turn out in time for parade he was asked to run a km with a heavy rifle in his hand. No one was spared from this punishment but none was seen annoyed as it was a part of that education.

Present day parents are very much concerned about their children. If a teacher in LP school asks a student to clean his teeth using mango tree leaf, as did in schools 30-40 years back, the parents will not tolerate the teacher. Time has changed and teachers’ job has become a dicey one. I could not blame that hapless teacher who imposed a past and crude punishment on her student taking her to death. The teacher might have been trying to pick up the child to progress but it ended in despair. The Delhi school incident is not an isolated case. To avoid replication parent-teacher counseling could be thought of in such situations. As practiced in NAAC accredited colleges health club can be formed in schools under the supervision of a teacher with skill in first aid treatment to avoid casualties.

K A Solaman

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