Sunday, June 27, 2010


Thomas Mash and peon Krshnankutty took Bhargavan Mash to nearby hospital. Bhargavan Mash was inflicted with a new disease. He remained still with wide opened mouth. Though his respiratory system is normal no other vital sign is clear!

The duty doctor pushed on the puffed up nerve on the throat of Bhargavan sir. Bhargavan sir became normal and started talking to doctor.

The doctor came out of the casualty and inquired the matter.
“Any reason for this accident? I mean an incident in class room?”

“No doctor. Bhargavan Mash was a substitute in the newly started English medium class. The teacher in charge of the class was absent today. He had spent only five to ten minutes in the class, the time for taking attendance”.

“Yes, that is the reason. When a teacher call the names of students as Aswin, Akash, Arjun, Abhinav, Akhil, Azin, Allan, Andrew, Ann, Ashok, Aromal etc., this type of disease will happen. Wide opened mouth is the noticeable symptom. This could happen to anyone calling these names. Our present day parents are making their children first in the class by putting naming starting with A. Could we find any Oommen, Thomman, Kunju, Meenakshy, Ponnamma, Thankamma, Kamalakshy in future?”

By saying this doctor stood from his seat and went for ward inspection.

K A Solaman

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