Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Verdict against caste politics.

How miserably the politicians read the public mind, is evident from outbursts of Lalu Prasad Yadav and Ram Vilas Paswan a day before the election results in Bihar.
They claimed a big leap for them in the Bihar Election but unfortunately it was a big blow. NDA leader and CM Nitish Kumar has driven to a remarkable electoral feat by securing 84 percent of the seats in the Bihar Assembly. Lalu, Paswan et al can go to hibernation for next five years and the National Congress leaders have nothing to cheer. Who said the Bihar people are illiterate and are guided by malicious propaganda?

Those who fought the election on the basis of caste in Bihar had been defeated and it is a direct warning to those who resort to caste politics in rest of the country.

K A Solaman

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