Friday, June 24, 2011

A white paper needed for private college recruitment.

The Minister of Finance for Kerala K M Mani when he has to say about the publication of a white paper on the state of the finances of the State, I was seeking the meaning of this paper. Now only I understood that it is a report that helps to solve a problem. White papers are used to inform readers and help people make decisions and are often requested and used in the technical and political sectors.

So is the case, I request the Government to publish a white paper on recruitment of assistant professors in all Aided colleges in Kerala, where the salary is paid from the State Exchequer. I place this before the authority because the management of the NSS College invited fresh applications from candidates for the appointment in colleges under it. Previous notification to this effect was only nine months earlier and the number of candidates that they have appointed is a puzzle. Unlike other management who collect Rs 500 or 700 as application money the NSS collect a nominal fee, Rs 235 per application which is quite affordable as it is equal to the cost of only kg a star fish. Nevertheless, the most intriguing question is no candidate of other beliefs is named in NSS College, even if the money from candidates of other castes is acceptable.

The experience of the candidate who went for the interview at Perunna has an interesting story to tell. He told me that when he submitted his certificate at the desk person handling it he said “Why do you waste money by sending such applications? Appointments, like other private managements, whether Inter Church and SN Trust, are done for a price and here it is reserved for only those names ending with a tail ‘nair, pillai, menon, kurup, panicker etc,.” “ But Sir, my marks, Ranks!” the candidate asked. “ Who need them?. Yes, you came all the way from your place to here. Take the coffee and attend the interview. The world never ends in Perunna. There are a good number of colleges and a few of them are not money mongers. Best wishes”.

The candidates, their parents and the vast populace are, therefore, eager to know what is happening in these colleges. Would the government ask these Managements to publish a white paper stating the names with caste of the candidates appointed in these colleges? Of course the money they collected is a business secret, nevertheless, if they publish the actual names of the candidates, the new aspirants could take a judicious decision about where to apply and when. Could a management, as a fund collection campaign, often issue notifications for appointment without making any appointment ? I hope a white paper in this direction would tell all the details.

K A Solaman

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