Monday, September 05, 2011

List of things named after Albert Einstein.

This is a list of things named after Albert Einstein.

Scientific and mathematical concepts

Higher-dimensional Einstein gravity
Einstein solid
Einstein force
Einstein's constant
Einstein–de Haas effect
Einstein relation (kinetic theory)
Stark–Einstein law
Einstein–Hilbert action
Einstein–Cartan theory
Bose–Einstein condensate
Bose–Einstein statistics
Einstein field equations
Einstein's radius of the universe
Einstein coefficients
Einstein synchronisation
Einstein notation
Einstein tensor
Einstein manifold
Einstein ring
Einstein Cross
Einstein radius
Einstein (unit)
Einstein refrigerator
Zebra Puzzle, also known as Einstein's Puzzle or Riddle
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
Einstein syndrome

Einstein Syndrome is a term Thomas Sowell used to describe exceptionally bright people with a slow development of speech (unlikely to have conversations before age four).

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