Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Higgs Boson and Origin of Universe -Science Day Celebration

Report on Seminar on “Higgs Boson and Origin of Universe”
(Science Day Celebration)
Date: 28 February 2013
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Mini Auditorium, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill

This year’s science day was celebrated in our college on behalf of Department of science on 28 February 2013 commemorating the discovery of Raman Effect on Feb 28, 1928. The talk was delivered by Dr. Sibi K S, Assistant Professor in Physics. During the talk, students were taken to a journey through the visions of great scientists who are figuring out the beginning of our universe. In particle colliders, the scientists are trying to create the very cause that lead to our creation. The task is accomplished by setting up an experiment similar to Big Bang that occurred 15 billion years ago. Large Hardon Collider focus on finding the small piece of energy that binds quarks and other fundamental particles. The tiresome hard work, enormous will power and the amazing facts about Large Hardon Collider made students more excited when they came to know about plasma containment of Higgs Bosons.
The concepts of Physics are ever-changing. The simple fundamental laws of Physics are giving shape to complex theories that argue with our common sense reasoning. The ideas put forward by Albert Einstein, Neil Bohr, S N Bose and Peter Higgs paved path for infinite research options in science. It is not too long wait till we recreate the charm once again. It is to be noted that Impossibilities can only be known if we move one step forward from possibilities to impossibilities.
The Seminar concluded by 4pm. To summarize, the seminar touched various field like Concepts in Physics, Higgs Boson and Origin of universe, Large Hardon Collider etc..Around 300 students from S1 S2 as well as S3S4 braches attended the function. Few snap of the function are also added herewith.

Science Day Celebration
(Seminar On Higgs Boson and Origin of Universe, Feb 28, 2013)

1 comment:

K A Solaman said...

Congrats Dr Sibi