Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mullapperiyar-a matter of havoc

One hundred and thirteen year old Mullaperiyar dam has undoubtedly become a matter of great havoc to people living on the banks of River Periyar. Not only the heavy rain water flow to the dam, heated exchange by the by the political heads of Kerala and TN has made the situation highly tense. People on the bank of river Periyar are panic. The permitted maximum water level of the reservoir is 136 feet and when it reached near that level, water started to flow to the Idukki reservoir through the spillway. As this was a rare phenomenon for past many years, people realized about the vast amount of water in the dam and that also made them more panic. More interesting is the difference of opinion among TN Engineers and their Kerala counter parts. The Chief Engineer of the Tamil Nadu Public Works Department had inspected the dam and reached the conclusion that there was no leak in the dam and what he found out only is rain water flowing down through the gap in the joint. However, Kerala engineering department differ in opinion.

K A Solaman
Express buzz online forum, dated 17 Aug 09

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