Friday, February 19, 2010

Don’t go the Kerala way

The Council for Board of Secondary Education’s decision to have a core curriculum in science and mathematics for classes XI-XII across all boards in the country from 2011 and to introduce a single national-level entrance examination for students from all streams for entry into higher education from 2013 will ensure a level playing field for students to compete and save them the trouble of giving multiple entrance tests.

Union Human Resource Development Minster Kapil Sibal’s restructuring of entrance examinations is a good beginning but I do not endorse his diluting of the education process by abandoning the examination system at class X level. A little dose of occasional stress is very necessary for every individual to excel in life.

Mr Sibal has taken a bold step but it should not be a meagre replication of the Kerala education model which has abjectly failed.

KA Solaman,Alappuzha
The Pioneer, New Delhi, dated 19 Feb 2010

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