Friday, February 26, 2010

UGC: Do not hike retirement age

A reasonable man could not fully agree with arguments in favour of implementing of UGC pay package for College teachers of Kerala. This is because hiking retirement age and subsequent utilization of fund obtained from UGC for other purpose would adversely affect many youngsters waiting for a teaching job. The present teachers of the colleges are misleadingly availing advantage of the opportunity in the State that is created by the acute financial crunch that may be resulted from the mass retirement of employees on March 31. Thuglak model retirement age unification in the State last year has created unforeseen complexity in employment and financial sectors. The teachers argue that the academic excellence will be towering if they continue further for a period of five years in the college. The Finance minister dreams that Rs. 2000 crore received from UGC for the salary hike of the college teachers can be gainfully used for the payout of pension benefits of retiring state employees on March 31. My request to the college teachers is that they should never push qualified youths to total despair. All teachers who have completed 55 years of age should so decide to relinquish their post without trying to stick to it by hook or crook. They should help to open opportunities to the new age group.

The argument that qualified applicants for the post of college teachers are inadequate in the State is totally absurd. The interviews conducted of late in many colleges proved that there are excess candidates with NET and Ph.D. Instance of dozens of candidates appearing for interview for a single post in many colleges has been reported of late. The criterion on which a particular candidate is selected is unknown to all other candidates who are not successful in the interview. The selected candidate should never reveal the secret of his or her success and if anyone needs the secret of this appointment, a ‘narco analysis ‘is to be conducted on the selected candidate. Recently for a single post appointment in an Ernakalam college the interview was conducted at a speed of making ‘thattukada dosa’ as the government nominee was very busy in finishing her work in the college. More interesting is the way in which the applicants were dealt with the college authorities. No receipt has been issued by the college authority for Rs 500 received as application money. The repeated statement from some corners that opportunities in colleges are in plenty is only a maneuver to hoodwink candidates who spent quite a sum as application money for appearing in the interviews.

UGC stipulation for retirement age of college teachers is 65. But Kerala education minister says here it has been decided to fix at 58 because of special circumstances existing in the state. This singularity will never disappear even if the retirement age is brought to 50. Another whimper in this direction is that qualified candidates are not available for college teaching. I want to know how the present college teachers who entered into service by licking the legs of college managers and paying several lakhs as donation, became so efficient now. These people who refuse to retire now, are really a stumbling block before the unemployed educated youngsters. If these persons are appointed as managers of Beverages Corporation, the customers will, of course, get better brands. It may be true that the guest lecturers are handicaps for the improved functioning of the college because they are removed occasionally. But they are the people who teach two alphabets to the students when the permanent teachers are out of the college with their extracurricular activities.

There is also an argument in favour of the existing teachers that if they are retained in the college for another five years only then smooth implementation of the credit and semester system is possible. This argument is absolutely false as C and S system is not an elephantine task. The young recruits will soon catch up the details relating the system and they implement it more effectively than the MA second class tailor made self proclaimed professors.

Many people now admit that the retirement age unification was a thoughtless act and in order to meet the financial requirement of next March 31, the Government is trying to hike retirement age college teachers and thereby to divert the UGC fund. The government is not able use this fund to create any fresh job opportunity in the State. If Kerala Government follow the TN model of implementation of UGC package, all teachers will get its benefit without hiking the retirement age. The NET and Ph D qualified candidates will thus get an opportunity to fulfill their aspiration without any loss to existing teachers. It is not one but two families are then protected if a fresh appointment is done in colleges. I hope the government will think more wisely in this direction.

K A Solaman

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