Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Less liquor, less damage.

Smoking in public places is prohibited in India but some do it in open. The law enforcing agencies often take don’t care stance in such occasions. However, the people have learnt about smoking hazards and its health risk. So they have a wariness to smoke in open. However, this kind of approach is not seen in the use of liquors. Kerala crossed the Rs.100-crore mark in the sale of Indian made foreign liquor during the last Onam period and in this Easter season also the case will not be different. The cash crunchy State coffers eyes at money from liquor sale along with the income from check posts and sale of sands. The sand sale from river plateaus remember us the famous Biblical teaching: “Remember, O man, that you are dust(sand), and unto dust you shall return”.

The illicit liquor and its sale through bars and other private places would estimate another hundred core. The Government that had recognized the health risk of tobacco has failed to take the blow of the ill-effects of liquor use. The Government has not evolved any effective step to create an awareness to reduce alcohol consumption instead permission is given to open more outlets for sale. In toddy shops what is now sold is not pure toddy but chemically poisoned water which is very injurious to health. If smoking brings a person a long term ailment the toddy now sold brings him immediate ailment and permanent handicap. Particularly, the young men are the victim to the evils of liquor consumption as they often find no opening to shed their extra energy. All the play grounds and public places have vanished and there is no space for them to play foot ball or hand ball. The only option for them is to watch live TV cricket in closed rooms and continue intake of liquor profusely.

An added handicap of liquor sale is worst law and order situation which is never a by-product of the smoking habit. The system of promoting liquor sales during Onam, Vishu, Deepavali, Christmas and Easter should be abandoned in the larger interest of society. The government starting rehabilitation centres along with Beverages Corporation outlets is a laughing stock. Consumption of alcohol is undoubtedly damaging to one's health, more damaging than smoking. Besides it consumes more money than that spend for smoking. If Rs 20 is spent for buying cigarettes then Rs 200 is needed for buying liquor. Serving liquor has become a bogus status symbol and is an integral part to societal gatherings. No meaningful awareness against this handicap has been taken by the government.

It is unwise to ban sale and purchase of alcohol as the base of most medicines is alcohol. A meaningful and sincere awareness programme should be envisaged for younger people about the damages done by liquor. If so the rate of crimes, accidents, domestic violence along with health hazards could be reduced.

K A Solaman

Mass march into retirement

The Thuglakian Kerala model of retirement age unification has made on this March 21,000 employees to leave service at the same time. Some had wept, some cried and some even drunk thinking that there is not life after retirement. The most distressed are police men and college professors as the former to lose their chance to abuse the innocents and latter to lose the company or frequent cock tails. The weeping is heavy for police personals at sent-offs because if they resort to older habits at home they are likely to lose their lunch and supper as there would be none to care them.

I welcome all the 21000 retirees to our majority group as the life is simple and worriless after retirement. Of course you have no chance for getting extra money as bribe except pension and that too if Isaac’s coffers have that might. And of course your subordinates will not entertain you hereinafter as they did in the past.

I also bring your attention to the story of a Professor who demanded a sent-off when he was to go to Nigeria for five years money making break. He cried at the sent-off and just after one year he returned to the college as the condition in Nigeria was not as good as expected. He again cried at his actual sent-off from service and now he leads a happy life. Loneliness, loss, frustration, and grief are not in his dictionary. He now preaches people about eternal life and guides them to the noble way he thinks but often repents for the folly of crying at sent-offs.

Dear retirees you can think of the following for a happy retired life. Try to wake up early in the morning to realize that, it is not the usual day. You are retired. You should try to learn how to spend the day and give up the feeling that you are a worn out individual and should be placed in the corner of the house sitting idle most of the time. Don’t waste time by simply watching TV.

This period of life can be made fun and worth living to explore the unexplored.
There may be times in your life when you wanted to write a book on your experience and learning. But your desires where never fulfilled, because you were too busy at work or family. This is the right time to explore your hidden talents and fulfill your earnest desires. Here are few ways to stay active and make money after retirement. Work is the important way of coping with the niggling worries.

1) Physical activity:
The best way to be healthy, independent and occupied is by doing some minor physical exercise such as walking and yoga. Daily one our walking is sufficient. Joining karate or kalari schools is not suited for many but can try joining laughter club. Being healthy will also help you be independent.

2) Meet friends:
Meet your old friends outside. There may be times when you missed out the most important events with your friend.

3) Gardening:
Gardening and vegetable cultivation are the best ways to keep you occupied. They are also great stress busters.

4) Help grandkids:
The grandkids may be busy with studies; however you can help them by joining their company

5)Go on a holiday:
Visit pilgrim or tourist spots, which you have always wanted to see.

Be a volunteer to an NGO helping the society.

7)Join a course:
Join a course that interests you and fulfill all your desires. The universities like IGNOU are conducting many courses for the retirees.

8) Have a grip on your money.
Don’t spend money for schemes that are unknown to you. Have a free hold and don’t let anyone to have control on your hard earned money.

Remember retirement is the admiration given to your years of service. And your ‘age is the state of your mind.'

K A Solaman

Sunday, March 28, 2010

RSP is dejected

The LDF small partner RSP is seen dejected with the latest development in Kerala. The rival groups in RSP came separately in collision course with CPM. The RSP national general secretary TJ Chandrachoodan has made a scathing attack of CPM. Its Kerala secretary VP Ramakrishna Pillai said that LDF is in a sinking situation. For Pillai, it is of no doubt that the Congress-led UDF would come to power after the next Assembly election. This sort of plane speak has become a shock LDF bigwigs. However, the Pillai’s version of denial of Rajya Sabha seat to his party’s national secretary has no many takers. It is known that Pillai was playing all foul to deny seat to Chandrachoodan.
Formerly it was only a desire for UDF to acquire power in the next election. And now the RSP has approved it. The jubilant outfits in UDF such as Youth Congress and other partners started demanding their chunk. The silent Chief Minster or the media adversary Pinarayi does not see the sand that is eroded from under their feet.

K A Solaman

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tension over question paper

How careless are some of our teachers? This I ask on the wake Thodupuzha in Idukki Ditrict, Kerala falling into tension following the aggressive dissent of Muslim organizations over the mention in a question paper humiliating the Prophet. The police had a tough time to contain the mob. It all happened when a less compassionate teacher of Newmann’s college, Thodupuzha prepared a question paper. He may, perhaps, be enthused with the new UGC package sanctioned to college teachers by the Kerala Government.
The teacher T Joseph in the Malayalam department of the college was the question setter and I think he is the sole person responsible for the grave mistake. A fellow teacher arguing that “Joseph could have prepared the question paper but it had been passed by others after scrutiny” seems pointless. There is no such scrutiny for any question paper and preferably the internal examination is not a big business in many of the colleges in Kerala. T J joseph needs some counseling before he being reinstated in the college.
However, the remarkable thing is the timely action of the State Administration. Education Minister MA Baby instructed the District Administration to register a case against the teacher. And that sort of action is never expected from Education department as we have previous examples of non-care approach. The incident of “Jeevan without religion’ is still in our mind. The college authorities have also taken a wise decision by apologising for the mistake which hurt the sentiments of the Muslim community.

K A Solaman

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Athirapally project, please.

Athirapally is known for its bio-diversity and any move to scare it should be opposed. Kerala power minister A K Balan’s effort to set up a power project at Athirapally is wonderful. A strong adversary of the project once, now coming in favour of it is really amazing. Turning the bio-diverse area into a forest of cement and concrete would naturally bring Balan a good luck, he imagines.

Balan’s effort to set up a power project at Athirapally waterfalls would meet the same fate of the project at Silent Valley 25 years ago. Sensible people will not allow Balan’s dream to go off. Let the people have some fresh air a bit long.

K A Solaman

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meenachil tragedy

It is shocking to hear the death of ten persons when the bus they were traveling on fell into the river Meenachilar at Thazhathangadi near Kottayam. Five to seven persons were feared to be missing.

Recently we have been reading about the surge in road and river accidents all over in Kerala. The Kumarakom boat tragedy and the Thattekkadu mishap are just two in the immediate past. But we have not learnt yet about the immediate rescue measures that are to be taken at accident spots. It took more than two hours for rescue operators to hop into action at Thazhathangadi. The Fire force men came to the spot were without proper rescue gadgets. The navy men could not land their helicopter for the helicopter landing pad was not in condition. The result is innocent lives have been lost in the tragedy which could have been easily averted if due caution was taken both by the government and rescue operators. What is the use of a dozen ministers vulnerably gathering at the accident spot?

All regulatory bodies including State Transport Department, the PWD, and the Sate Electricity Board have their role in the Thazhathangadi accident. And if not rectified this negligence people have to see huge traffic disorder and more victims in future.

K A Solaman

Saturday, March 13, 2010

IPL fever hits examination halls

It is not restaurants, malls and movie theatres that are hit by the Indian Premier League but all examinations halls in Kerala and elsewhere are also hit by it. It is on the fifteenth about 4.5 lakhs of students of SSLC and Plus Two go for the examination in Kerala alone which lasts for 2-3 weeks and one can not rule out that these students would never switch on the channel to view the event.

Even about 1000 movie theatres in India have signed up so far to exhibit the league series and it will be a tough time for parents to keep their children out from these theatres and TV screens during examination days. When viewers of households and public places dance and cheer with cricket how could the poor children concentrate on studies

Speaking forthrightly the Education Ministry of Kerala has already identified this grave reality and that is why they designed a very reasonable style of evaluation and ranking. All students appearing for the examination would get a pass percentage for writing any rubbish in the answer sheet and this time there will be more liberalisation in wake of the IPL series.
Who said the ploy to make India educationally backward is worked out by International outfits? It is within the country the type disparaging advance is evolved to spoil the entire younger generation. Otherwise they would have arranged the matches in June or July when students are relaxed from examination stress.

K A Solaman

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Iyer, please tell us the way out.

Global warming is potential reason for human extinction. The choices to reduce its immediate impact are: people must use less petrol, diesel, and coal, and resort to solar energy conversion in a significant manner. Protect trees, water bodies and non-polluted atmosphere are also ways to check global warming. Nevertheless my present subject is not this.

The learned jury V R Krisna Iyer says a case in a Court is like global warming. He asks AMMA friends and Thilakan-Azhikode duo not to take their rift with the courts because our court proceedings are like global warming. Does he mean that the court could not resolve this problem in a timely manner as in the case of global warming?

Of course, the citizens are able to solve themselves many of their problems without the intervention of the courts. Then what for these courts are meant? Was Krishna Iyer wasting some of his precious years in courts as judge? If yes, dear Iyer enlighten us with your noble thoughts to save us from the limitless procedure of Indian courts.

K A Solam