Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meenachil tragedy

It is shocking to hear the death of ten persons when the bus they were traveling on fell into the river Meenachilar at Thazhathangadi near Kottayam. Five to seven persons were feared to be missing.

Recently we have been reading about the surge in road and river accidents all over in Kerala. The Kumarakom boat tragedy and the Thattekkadu mishap are just two in the immediate past. But we have not learnt yet about the immediate rescue measures that are to be taken at accident spots. It took more than two hours for rescue operators to hop into action at Thazhathangadi. The Fire force men came to the spot were without proper rescue gadgets. The navy men could not land their helicopter for the helicopter landing pad was not in condition. The result is innocent lives have been lost in the tragedy which could have been easily averted if due caution was taken both by the government and rescue operators. What is the use of a dozen ministers vulnerably gathering at the accident spot?

All regulatory bodies including State Transport Department, the PWD, and the Sate Electricity Board have their role in the Thazhathangadi accident. And if not rectified this negligence people have to see huge traffic disorder and more victims in future.

K A Solaman

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