Saturday, March 13, 2010

IPL fever hits examination halls

It is not restaurants, malls and movie theatres that are hit by the Indian Premier League but all examinations halls in Kerala and elsewhere are also hit by it. It is on the fifteenth about 4.5 lakhs of students of SSLC and Plus Two go for the examination in Kerala alone which lasts for 2-3 weeks and one can not rule out that these students would never switch on the channel to view the event.

Even about 1000 movie theatres in India have signed up so far to exhibit the league series and it will be a tough time for parents to keep their children out from these theatres and TV screens during examination days. When viewers of households and public places dance and cheer with cricket how could the poor children concentrate on studies

Speaking forthrightly the Education Ministry of Kerala has already identified this grave reality and that is why they designed a very reasonable style of evaluation and ranking. All students appearing for the examination would get a pass percentage for writing any rubbish in the answer sheet and this time there will be more liberalisation in wake of the IPL series.
Who said the ploy to make India educationally backward is worked out by International outfits? It is within the country the type disparaging advance is evolved to spoil the entire younger generation. Otherwise they would have arranged the matches in June or July when students are relaxed from examination stress.

K A Solaman

1 comment:

K A Solaman said...

So what?

K A Solaman