Thursday, September 09, 2010

Ban lottery, ban spurious toddy

Why the State Government in Kerala wait for action Union Government to amend the Lotteries Act to save Kerala from the lottery steal when fake lotteries of the other states are sold here? Is there any connection for Union government with fake lotteries? The poor and less educated people who buy lottery tickets copiously have now realized that they are the victims of lottery mafia and that is why sale of other state lotteries in Kerala has come to a still. People now like cine actor Jagathy are hesitant to entertain and buy Bhutan or Sikkim tickets.

Inter-State lottery mafia under the guise of selling approved Bhutan and Sikkim lotteries are selling fake lotteries here and for that there is consent from ruling front bigwigs for reasons known to all.

The consumption of liquor and the mania for the lotteries are death traps for poor and ignorant people of Kerala and the Government that is bound to restrict it stand as a mute spectator. Common man is falling prey to this social evil and is spending all his hard earned money without caring children and the ailing old ones in homes. It is not campaigns and awareness programmes that are needed to check the danger but strict law enforcement is needed. By no means should other state lotteries be allowed in the state. If a few people are not able to sustain without lottery and liquor allow only state lottery and that too once in a week as practiced now and provide cheap and non-toxic liquor at beverages outlets.

KA Solaman

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