Sunday, September 05, 2010

Greatest teaching of Jesus is forgotten.

Mahatma Gandhi University Syndicate revoked the suspension of Prof. T.J. Joseph. However, Newmann college management suspended him for the embarrassment created by his setting up of the controversial question paper. It is unfortunate on the part of Newmann College Management to go on with action leading to the dismissal of the teacher from the college. Prof Joseph has made apology to the general public and then why the management is so particular in further punishing him for what is called an appeasement from Muslim fanatics? ‘Forgive and be kind’ is the greatest Christian teaching and a college running on such principles has forgotten this teaching.

I fear the craving for getting 20-40 lakh as donation from a fresh recruit is the crucial issue for any management to throw away an incumbent staff member on an insignificant matteer

K A Solaman

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