Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quantum Mechanics Test-15 MCQ

Quantum Mechanics Test-15
Answer all questions                                                                    Time 20 min
                                                                                                               Max 20 marks
1. A  quantum mechanical system containing a large, and possibly infinite, number of degrees of freedom is called ---
(a) electric field                                                 (b)magnetic filed
(c) gravitational field                                       (d) quantum field 
2. Quantum mechanics, in its most general formulation, is a theory  of operators (observables) acting on an abstract  space called----
(a) Lorentz space                                              (b) Reimanian space                      
(c) boson field                                                    (d) Hilbert space*

3. The fundamental observables associated with the motion of a single quantum mechanical particle are  
 (a)E and P operators                                     (b)x and E operators
(c) L and P operators                                       (d)x and P operator*
4.  There are two motivations for studying the many-particle problem. The first is a straightforward need in condensed matter physics, The second is in ----
(a)   meson field theory                                 (b) black body radiation
(c) gluon theory                                            (d) particle physics*

5. If one attempts to include the relativistic rest energy into the Schrodinger equation  the result is either the Klein-Gordon equation  or the ----
 (a) uncertainty equation                              (b) wave function
(c) Delta equation                                        (d) Dirac equation*
6. Orbital angular momentum, which is a generalization of angular momentum in classical mechanics (L=r×p). Then what is the classical analogue of spin angular momentum in quantum mechanics?
 (a) No analogue*                                               (b) linear momentum
 (c) rotationl motion                                         (d) spin momentum

7. The spin of atoms and molecules is the sum of the spins of----------, which may be parallel or antiparallel.
(a) unpaired electrons*                                     (b) paired electrons       
 (c) valence electrons                                    (d) all electrons
8.  The intrinsic magnetic moment μ of a Spin-½ particle with charge q, mass m, and spin angular momentum S, is given by the equation----
(a) μ =gsq S/(2m)*              (b) ) μ =gsq S/(m)(c) ) μ =gsqm S/2m      (d) μ =2gsqm S/2

9. In the above question gs is called---
(a) spin g-factor*                 (b) space g-factor(c) Lorentz g-factor      (d) fractional  g-factor
10. The value of spin g-factor is ----
(a) 1*                       (b) 2                                       (c) 2.002319                        (d) 3.00
Answers are marked with a *


Unknown said...

good work thanks

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Good effort

Unknown said...

Plz tell me the Answer of first one

Unknown said...


Abdul Saboor said...
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Abdul Saboor said...

Write reson with each Answer

Unknown said...

Answer please